Podcast 86

In this episode of the podcast Reetin, Parallax Abstraction, and Cyberpunk Monk talk about Hero’s Song, Star Citizen, Oculus sex scandal, and Roadhog’s hook. Smed Canceled Hero’s Song, Gives refunds:…

Podcast 85

In this episode of the podcast Reetin and Aroah talk about League of Legends, Rust, Brazzers, and Tesla. Brazzers Play: https://www.destructoid.com/brazzers-now-offers-let-s-plays-featuring-famous-pornstars-404896.phtml Rust Developer Rant: https://www.destructoid.com/rust-developer-if-you-re-bored-of-the-game-then-just-stop-playing-it–404828.phtml Tesla Charging After Charge: http://www.theverge.com/2016/12/16/13990854/tesla-supercharger-electric-fee-model-s-parking…