For Honor Stats
For Honor exited closed alpha yesterday and it had some interesting stats. Players averaged 4 hours and 38 minutes in game during the alpha. For Honor was the most watched…
Quantity is Job One
For Honor exited closed alpha yesterday and it had some interesting stats. Players averaged 4 hours and 38 minutes in game during the alpha. For Honor was the most watched…
In this episode of the podcast Reetin, Aroah, and Parallax talk about the PS4 conference and the Apple conference. Fucking, no 3.5mm Jack!? PS4 Pro $400 November 10th: Plaything…
Wow, Reetin finally takes some time to actually make a review! It is of an early access game called 20XX. It is basically a Megaman clone, but is it good…
In this episode of the podcast Reetin, Aroah, and Gerry talk about a lot of stuff like ATT, Netflix, Google, and other stuff! ATT Data Throttling Dismissed: Netflix Bringing…
In this episode of the podcast Reetin, Aroah, and Parallax Abstraction talk about Facebook, Tibia, Halo, Sony, No Man’s Sky, and politics. Facebook and Unity: Facebook Collecting Information From…