Tag: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Podcast 88

In this episode of the podcast Reetin, Aroah, Parallax Abstraction, and Niklotus talk about banning government broadband, The Legend of Zelda, Adoptly, and the Nintendo Switch. Banning Government Broadband: https://www.engadget.com/2017/01/15/virginia-bill-tries-to-ban-municipal-broadband/…

Podcast 97

In this episode, Reetin, Aroah, Niklotus, and The Cyberpunk Monk talk about Star Citizen, Republicans, dynamic-resolution-scaling, and other stuff! Stay tuned and listen. Star Citizen Drops DX11: http://massivelyop.com/2017/03/20/star-citizen-will-drop-dx11-avoid-dx12-support/ Dynamic Resolution…

Podcast 96

In this episode of the Podcast, Reetin and Aroah talk about Jontron being racist, The nintendo Switch, Capcom and Disney, and the Dolphin Emulator. Racist Jontron: http://gizmodo.com/popular-youtuber-jontron-has-some-batshit-crazy-thought-1793231221 Playstation Now With…